A Professor Studies Ways to Recycle Water

recycleSince it is hard to create enough energy for all of the world’s population these days, people are trying to find new ways of how best to extract more fossil fuel. As such, fracking is becoming increasingly popular as an extraction method. But it wastes a lot of useful water. Professor Larry Wackett is trying to find ways to recycle that water and reuse it.

Fracking – A Popular Method Used For Purifying Water

Fracking is a process that uses hydraulic pressure to blast out natural gases from shale rock structures underneath the earth’s surface. This pressure fractures the rocks and brings out the gases trapped inside them. The water used to create this hydraulic pressure is treated with chemicals first. The process is becoming more and more popular because it can produce a lot of gas at a very low cost. Fracking enthusiasts say that this process is a sure way to guarantee that the nation doesn’t have to depend on any other countries for the amount of energy it requires. However, the people against it say that fracking is the nastiest way of extracting fuel as it would lead to contamination of underground water and leave its wastes all across the rural areas of the country.

Professor Larry Wackett, however, sees things in a different light. Even though a lot of people are arguing in support of using renewable resources for energy, Professor Wackett is of the view that the energy created with renewable resources will never be enough to provide for everyone on the planet. But if the water wasted could be recycled, the companies practicing fracking could save a lot of money, as well as help the world to be greener. Though he has not visited any fracking site yet, he is studying samples of the waste water in his lab to find out how it can be salvaged. As he says, the first step towards purifying the water is to know what harmful chemicals are in it, in the first place.

Wackett’s Use of Eco Friendly Promotional Items

Professor Larry Wackett is a biochemistry professor at the Biotechnology Institute of the University of Minnesota. According to him, instead of criticizing the way fracking wastes a lot of usable water, we should take steps to recycle the same and reuse it. He believes that fracking would not be so destructive if only we could find a way to salvage the water that it wastes. Professor Wackett intends to analyze samples of the water wasted in fracking and then cleanse it by the use of eco friendly promotional items. The National Science Foundation currently finances his research, but he is also talking to the corporations doing fracking to obtain more funding from them.

Source: http://www.parkbugle.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1823:wastewater&catid=13:articles

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