3 Easy Summer Breakfast Dishes for Lazy Mornings

When you get up on a lazy summer morning, you might want to make a nice breakfast. Who doesn’t love breakfast? However, it’s hot outside, and you don’t want to weigh yourself down with the intense breakfast that you might eat in the fall. The three breakfast dishes you see here are light simple, and delicious.

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Breakfast Smoothies

The green smoothie is a personal favorite, but it doesn’t have to be all green. That’s not usually the idea. You start with something like spinach or kale, but then you build on that with other flavors that are more enjoyable.

For the lightest smoothie possible, try not to add milk. You want ice, greens, and the fruits you love. For us, we love strawberry and banana. We also like a nice blueberry smoothie. You can go for lemon and strawberry, or you might even try raspberry and banana.

Forbest results, use frozen fruits that will keep the smoothie cold and break up more like a milkshake in the blender. If necessary, add a little water to get the mixture going.

Fruit Salad for Breakfast

If you’renot a smoothie person, you can make a fruit salad instead. Chop all the fruit you have, and pair it with a nice yogurt. You can even make it into a parfait, serve it on a glass, and bring your significant other breakfast in bed. Not a bad idea for a lazy summer morning.


We don’t mean any kind of cereal. Splurge on the BEST cereal, pair it with a healthy milk product you enjoy — oat and almond milks are both wonderful — and chop some fresh fruit on top. You will be in heaven.

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