Messenger Bags

When I was younger, I had the type of parents who were always pushing me into work. While my friends were allowed to sleep in until they had to get up for school, I was always up before dawn riding around the neighborhood on my rusted hand me down bike with a bag full of newspapers. The newspapers were packed so tightly that they constantly threatened to break the already straining hem and spill … [Read more...]

Labor Day And Clean Energy!

The first Monday in September marks Labor Day, an annual celebration dedicated to the social and economic impact workers have had in the United States. This year, there are more workers to celebrate as the market for clean energy jobs has dramatically increased. In just the second quarter of 2014 the sustainable energy sector created 12,500 new jobs, more than doubling the number added in the … [Read more...]

The Best Green Apps

As part of the widespread going green movement, many companies have put out smartphone apps that encourage users to live life in a much more eco-friendly manner. These apps make going green much easier for everyone who wants to reduce their carbon footprint. An eco-app will help you choose the most environmentally friendly products, manage your energy use, save money and reduce carbon emissions on … [Read more...]

Susty Party Celebrates Sustainability

Susty Party is a company created in 2009 (as Sustainable Party) by Emily Doubilet and Jessica Holsey in Brooklyn, NY. It was an idea born out of noticing how much waste was produced through parties and special events. These environmentally conscious ladies believed that it was possible to celebrate in an eco-friendly way, rather than creating more landfill waste and using products that were made … [Read more...]

Phoenix Lawmaker Introduces New Bill for Green Cleaning

Arizona Senator Ed Ableser, D-Tempe, has authored a bill (SB 1072) which would take great strides towards making school districts and charter schools more green with their choice of cleaning products. The state lawmaker maintains that requiring schools to switch to eco-friendly cleaning products would promote the safety and health of school children. This new bill comes right off of the heels of … [Read more...]

Colleges that have Gone Green

College students across the nation are among the most adamant supporters of an eco-friendly lifestyle. Students and administrators alike have come to understand the importance of environmental protection and have collaborated on a number of eco-friendly ideas that everyone can learn from. College campuses have gone beyond simply recycling in their efforts at sustainability and carbon neutrality. … [Read more...]

Branded Bags Promote Environmental Responsibility

For several years, the green movement has helped people become aware of the negative impact we have on our environment. One item that has come under fire for being environmentally irresponsible is the disposable plastic grocery bag. These plastic bags are rarely recycled, utilize nonrenewable resources, blow all over the landscape, fill up our landfills and pose a hazard to wildlife. To help … [Read more...]

Dell Trying to Make its Packaging Material Recyclable

Dell has managed to stand by its eco friendly goals. The corporate sustainability report of 2013 revealed that Dell was successful in making around 75 percent of its packaging materials of notebooks, and desktops either recyclable or compostable. … [Read more...]

Sno Pac Celebrates 70 Years of Providing Organic Food

Run by the Gengler family, Sno Pac Foods Inc. recently celebrated its 70th anniversary. This pioneer has been providing organic food since 1943. Caledonia business has even mentioned that Sno Pac was the first company ever to grow and supply frozen organic vegetables. … [Read more...]

Green Jobs Flourishing in Orange County

According to recent reports, the number of green jobs is increasing at a steady rate in the US, especially in the Orange County, and in other parts of California. Experts feel that this increase has taken place due to the latest legislative mandates and governmental incentives that support green jobs. Since green jobs help business owners save up on money, they are being incorporated in a lot of … [Read more...]

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