Recycling Program and Eco Friendly Totes at Raleigh County Schools

organicThe Raleigh County schools of Beckley recycled a massive 391.9 tons this school year, earning them a whooping $12,065.63.The Raleigh Schools have been participating in the recycling program that has been happening every year since past 12 years.

About the event

The End of the Year Recycling Awards was organized by The Solid Waste Authority of Raleigh County recently. The event took place at Paul Barley Recycling and Education Center in the Landfill of Raleigh County. The event was a great success with full participation by the public schools of Raleigh County and many other private schools.

Bonus Corporate Green Team Monies award was given to three schools for their outstanding recycling efforts. Trap Hill Middle School, for the third consecutive time, won the Stanley Cup of Recycling as the grand prize. They also won a bonus of $2,000 and had the most efficiently packed recycled bin in the county. Marsh Fork earned an extra $500 for having the 2nd most efficiently filled recycling bin. Lastly, Beckley Elementary won a bonus of $1000 for recycling 1,160 pounds of aluminum cans, the highest quantity of can of aluminum recycled by any school.

The event was sponsored by Corporate Green Team. A grand total of 3,771 tons has been recycled over a period of twelve years, making a cumulative earning of $169,687.08

Significance of recycling and using eco friendly totes

The Solid Waste Authority of Raleigh County has been working towards creating a better environment by providing eco friendly ways of discarding the waste materials and recycling them. The Authority has been educating the Raleigh County residents to dispose their waste in an environment friendly and safe way. The recycling center run by the Authority offers a controlled environment for processing several recyclable materials.

The center promotes recycling of items like paper, plastic, tin cans, batteries, radiators, aluminum and even e-waste like laptops, televisions, and monitors. Other electronic items like cellphones, printers, fax machines, keyboards, microwaves, computer mouses, and telephones are not included in the e-waste. It focuses mainly on educating the school children about the importance of recycling, eco friendly disposal of items, and use of eco friendly substitutes. It also encourages the use of eco friendly totes instead of the non-biodegradable plastic bags.

Programs of the kind organized by Raleigh County schools, where students are encouraged to recycle, are the need of the hour. Such programs have come a long way in creating awareness among people about the uses and advantages of recycling.


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