Making Hollywood Productions Greener

If you ask, Hollywood has a sustainability problem. Hollywood productions are extremely expensive, but they are not all that green. As a result, the industry has lived under the radar because the audience sees the films, loves the TV shows, an invests emotionally. However, it can be hard to imagine that these productions are massive polluters. You can learn more about film and TV climate … [Read more...]

Winter Energy Saving Tips

While it might seem far, winter is fast approaching, and with it, the annual souring energy costs that can break the bank. Making some easy, inexpensive changes this winter can translate into big savings on winter bills. Below we’ve compiled five effective energy saving tips.   Drafts created by openings can be responsible for wasting up to thirty percent of the total energy consumed … [Read more...]

Messenger Bags

When I was younger, I had the type of parents who were always pushing me into work. While my friends were allowed to sleep in until they had to get up for school, I was always up before dawn riding around the neighborhood on my rusted hand me down bike with a bag full of newspapers. The newspapers were packed so tightly that they constantly threatened to break the already straining hem and spill … [Read more...]

Farmers Markets

Across the country, many breathe a sigh of relief as the oppressive, muggy heat of the summer begins to subside and give way to more temperate fall weather. Nature hikes and other outdoor activities become significantly more enjoyable, which can be an especially good idea to help work off the extra cookout weight that’s so easy to put on over the course of the summer months. Many nutrition experts … [Read more...]

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